The Victorian Government have announced plans for a return to school.

The key dates from the press release are:

  • 12 May 2020: Victorian school staff will be prioritised for voluntary coronavirus testing for a two-week period from both mobile and fixed testing sites, starting 12 may 2020;
  • 25 May 2020: Teachers & Staff return for pupil-free day;
  • 26 May 2020: All Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students, specialist school students, as well as VCE and VCAL students return to school;
  • 9 June 2020: All remaining students return to school.

Vulnerable students year 3-10 and students whose parents cannot work from home (e.g., teachers, emergency workers, etc) can continue to attend as before.

The press release goes on to say:

  • There will be enhanced cleaning at every school across the state for all of Term 2 and Term 3;
  • Student drop offs will be staggered to reduce adult numbers around school;
  • Student break times will be staggered to reduce students mixing across year levels;
  • Social distancing will be required for adults, staff & teachers in the school.

Changed Semester Reporting Requirements

In addition to these plans, the Victorian Department of Education and Training has altered reporting requirements for the semester.

In summary, schools must provide a Semester 1 report as usual but with the following changes:

  • Describe F10 curriculum taught during semester;
  • Describe in detail student learning achivements based on F10 achievement standards;
  • Describe how students have adjusted to remote learning in reference to personal and social capability curriculum.

They go on to say that “…If sufficient assessment evidence is available, schools can choose to use a five-point scale for relevant subjects…”. This is not a requirement but if used should be uploaded to the department as usual.

We’ve created a uEducateUs knowledge base article to walk administrators through steps to meet these requirements:


Victorian Government Press Release
The Victorian Department of Education and Training has additional relevant information for schools: