Our server team performed server upgrades over the Easter weekend (April 10-13, 2020) to make our systems ready for an increased user load.

However, despite our preparations, the sheer scale of logins was overwhelming and knocked uEducateUs offline.

To put this into perspective, under normal conditions, uEducateUs receives approximately 2000 logins during any 24 hour period. On the 13th this increased by an order of magnitude, more than 20,000 logins all at once.

The government Centrelink website experienced a similar outage in March, due to the same cause and effect.

What does this mean for schools, teachers, students and parents?

We’d like to apologise to our school communities for this disruption and thank everyone for their ongoing patience.

At this time, we’re working hard to bring the system back up, but we don’t have a clear idea of when normal services will resume.

We’ve engaged third party contractors who will be working over the weekend with our server team. We will provide status updates on Monday 20th April.

We are also working on contingency plans to help schools through the issues we’re experiencing and will present these very soon.

You’ll find ongoing status updates on Twitter and Facebook.