uEducateUs Annual Survey

You are invited to complete the uEducateUs Annual Survey 2022, which will only take you 2 minutes to complete.

Completed surveys that are submitted by 4.00pm, Friday 9th December 2022, will go into a draw to win one of our Educational Packages for your school.

Pay now and Save

In keeping with our pledge to keep costs down emails were sent to our current Schools last week.

Pay now and Save

Offer closes 14th October

Weekly Roundup

It’s been a busy week for uEducateUs schools. Here’s our roundup of the week’s updates: Scheduled Maintenance: 0830-1230AEST, 16 May 2020 Daily Attendance Updates still in force Return to school 26 May 2020 Scheduled Maintenance Servers will be offline for maintenance to improve system reliability between 08:30 – 12:30 AEST, 16-05-2020 Please raise a support…

Return to school on 26 May 2020

The Victorian Government have announced plans for a return to school.

The key dates from the press release are:

12 May 2020: Victorian school staff will be prioritised for voluntary coronavirus testing for a two-week period from both mobile and fixed testing sites, starting 12 may 2020;

25 May 2020: Teachers & Staff return for pupil-free day;

26 May 2020: All Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students, specialist school students, as well as VCE and VCAL students return to school;

9 June 2020: All remaining students return to school.

Vulnerable students year 3-10 and students whose parents cannot work from home (e.g., teachers, emergency workers, etc) can continue to attend as before.