
“…You can talk to a teacher if you have any questions about homework or anything… they send out tasks for you…”
Student at Tyers Primary School

Issue Student Logins so they can see everything they need

Administrators can issue account names and passwords to students so they can see their diary, tasks and events, and add books they’re reading.


You’ll find notifications, tasks, calendars and quick links to important items on the homepage. Click on them to drill down for more information.

View Student Overview

Student records contain high-level progress overviews, classes and tasks.

Secure Student Information

uEducateUs can be configured to block unauthorised access to student overviews, due to custody arrangements, or court orders.


Add reading activity for books you’re reading and give them a rating when you’re finished.


Receive announcements and hold conversations with teachers and school administration staff.inistration staff.


uEducateUs has a full featured notification system. Users can control the notifications they receive, from email, push (if app installed on phone), and SMS. Parents are automatically notified if students are absent without explanation.

Useful information

There are several pages setup for students going to school in Victoria you can visit if you need help or information.

Online Help

Take a look through our knowledge base for information and tutorials on using uEducateus.

Learn how it works

We created a demo video to show you how uEducateUs works.

Setup a free trial

Contact Sales Support to get a free trial with your school data. It’s the best way to experience the system.